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Darren Smith

CCO, Nemorin

Darren has almost two decades of experience overseeing award-winning branded content campaigns and strategies during his career at Nemorin, News UK, Haymarket and The Economist.

Darren has worked variously as a script writer, editor, journalist, designer, art director, illustrator, underwear maker and toaster salesman, and has a cat called Kinder Egg (which is what happens when you let your kids name your new kitten).

Together with creative partner Sachini Imbuldeniya he Co-Founded Studio PI, the award-winning artist agency that champions the underrepresented and co-created viral short film You Clap For Me Now – which was selected by the United Nations as it’s official message of hope and solidarity during the pandemic and attracted over 308m views in 76 countries. 

Darren Smith
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